Pray and Worship

Prayer and Worship Team:

Ellie Bradley & Joanne Tuchovsky (St. Gabriel The Archangel)

Meets the 2nd Tuesday of each month. The goal of this committee is to enhance the prayer life of the parish. Trains and prepares schedules for liturgical ministers (eucharistic ministers, altar servers, lectors), prepares special and youth liturgies and prayer services, oversees committees for environment & decoration, and much more. Description of Roles for the Liturgy Team at St. Gabriel’s

Altar Vestments – Therese Giana schedule

Purificator Cleaners – Christine Schanz schedule

SGA Parish Ministries

Parish Ministries Sign Up Form

Room Request Form for Parish Ministry

Room Request Form for Non-Parish Ministry

Liturgy Team:

Nancy Lussier (St. Madeleine Sophie)

Environment & Art Team:

Ginny Neumeister

Altar Servers & Acolytes:

St. Gabriel The Archangel roster

St. Madeleine Sophie schedule        procedures  

Lector Information:

St. Gabriel The Archangel schedule

St. Madeleine Sophie schedule        procedures


St. Gabriel The Archangel roster

St. Madeleine Sophie 

Eucharistic Ministers and Sacristans:

St. Gabriel The Archangel sacristan schedule      sacristan guidelines      sacristan roster      EM Schedule 7:30AM      EM Schedule 10:30AM

St. Madeleine Sophie schedule        procedures

Music Ministry:

“Make a joyful noise unto the Lord. Serve the Lord with gladness: come before his presence with singing.” (Psalm 100)

We welcome singers, instrumentalists, and musical friends of all abilities and interests. Please join us!

St. Gabriel the Archangel


Slawomir Lisiecki, Music Director (518) 355-6600

The Adult Choir is for adults ages 18 and up.

The Youth/Teen Ensemble is for youth and teenagers.

Anyone interested in singing or playing an instrument at St. Gabriel’s for the 7:30 AM or 10:30 AM Sunday Mass is welcome to contact Slawomir after any of the Masses or call (518) 355-6600.

St. Madeleine Sophie


Justine Crevatas, Music Director

Choir Member Login

The Joyful Heart Choir is as the name suggests a joyful group of singers and instrumentalists!  This group is for adults, ages 18 and up who wish to lead the faithful community in music and worship and to enhance our liturgical celebrations.  Members of this ministry rehearse on Wednesday evenings at 7pm.  We share our gifts 3 times a month at the 9am mass and once a month at the 4pm mass and other special liturgies throughout the year.

The Youth Choir is for children and teens, grades 2 to 12 who have a love of music and enjoy sharing their gifts with the church and each other.  It is a great opportunity to make new friends and learn about the Mass and our Lord in a relaxed and fun environment. The Youth Choir rehearses just twice a month on Sunday’s from 10:15-11:30am and sings once a month at the 9am mass.

The Resurrection Choir meets on an as-needed basis and provides musical comfort and solace to the bereaved for the funerals of their loved ones.  Funerals at St. Madeleine Sophie parish are generally in the mornings and the day can vary so many of our members are retired or otherwise free to join us.  Members are informed of funerals through email a few days in advance.  This group rehearses once or twice a year to keep our musical selections polished and to ensure we are providing a wonderful ministry to those who seek comfort.